Selasa, 04 Agustus 2009

Anime Quote


Kemaren gw engga sengaja buka-buka catatan lama waktu SMA, eh Tanpa sengaja gw nemu Catatan Quote yang berasal dari Anime, karena menarik gw post deh. Sapa tau ada yang suka

1.People Cannot gain anything with scarifying something. You must present something to equal value to gain something(Al Elrich-Full metal alchemist)

2.A Future is Something that you make yourself and you have to believe in it (Ami Mizuno-Sailoormoon)

3.As Long as we are Alive,Journey will no stop(Magno Vivan-Vandread)

4.What you can Protect with Feelings Alone(Kira Yamato-Gundam Seed)

5.Is Peace Impossible without a Sacrifice(Eri natsuno-Strange Down)

6.Nothing new comes into the world without a few failures. A failure today means a better chance of Success tomorrow(Beldandy-Oh My goddess) Quote Kesukaan gw ini

7.When Bad things happen, don’t give up. The day will come when you will look back and laugh at them(Nuriko-Fushigi yuugi) Beuh Jahat juga ngetawain masa lalu >.<

8.People are beautiful because they can feel sadness, concern and joy(Jeanne-Kamikaze) 100% Agree

9.There’s nothing that won’t change, there’s nothing that wont end it’s hard to admit but that’s reality one season ends and a new one begins
(Kyoichi Kanzaki-Boys be)Yang ini gw ngga ngerti maksudnya apaan

10.And with the help of my friends, I’ll make that journey in the sunshine, not in Shadow(Kenshin Himura-Rurouni Kenshin)Friends forever

11.Life too Short for Hesitation(Melinda-Someday Dreamers)Dalem banget artinya!

12.There is no such things as a perfect person. That’s why we can’t Live alone(Chichiri-Fushigi Yuugi)Bener banget!

13.Nothing is worse for a relationship than lying(Kiley-Peach girl)Aduh ini yang paling sering gw lakuin, Maav temand T.T

14.We Shouldn’t look down on young people, when they get serious the world could be changed(detective takuno-Taiho Shichauzo)Nah Lo~ ini Buat yang pada Tua-Tua masa ngeremehin anak muda, belum tau kalo kita udah pada serius.KAMEHAMEHA!!!!wkwkwkwk

15.Miracles aren’t something that just happen, you have to make them happen(Misato-NG Evangelion)

16.The Future is not something to see, but something to create(Aya-WeiSS kreuz)Yang masih tersugesti dengan kiamat 2012, Pahami betul Quote yang satu ini~

17.Wish you can forgive your yesterday, wish you can love your tomorrow(Naoya Shirakawa-Love made)

That’s all~
Kalo engga salah Quote yang kayak gini masih banyak di buku catatan Waktu SMA gw dulu..ntar di cariin dulu deh~ sapa tau nemu!!!

Source:Buku Catatan gw!!!hahahaha
Banyak banget Sourcenya, gw udah pada lupa

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